ICAR 2024 - P155 - An alliance in communication: LILA training for journalists


G. Dessì, G. Giupponi, L. Supino


LILA Nazionale, Como, Italy


Background: In 2022 and 2023 LILA (Italian League Fighting AIDS) developed a training course for journalists. The activities were carried out within the project “Comunicare correttamente l’HIV per raggiungere gli obiettivi ONU 2030” (Correctly communicate HIV to achieve the UN 2030 goals), granted by ViiV Healthcare. The project led to the creation of a training module for journalists - implemented in three Italian regions - and the publication of a guide for information operators.

Material and methods: At the beginning of the project, two professional journalists supported the working group in research on Italian journalistic deontology and investigating the archives of national and local newspapers.
Based on these activities, a training module was developed which included: scientific and historical information on HIV/AIDS, a review of the most common communication errors in the Italian media and an introduction to working tools and useful resources for journalists. The training program was illustrated with a set of slides and a guide for information workers. LILA identified three Italian regions without local affiliated offices and organized the courses with the regional orders of journalists of Campania, Lazio and Veneto. Each meeting took place with LILA operators and the support of doctors. The participating journalists were awarded with credits for professional training.

Results: Over one hundred journalists attended the courses held in: Rome (December 2022), Dolo-Venice (May 2023) and Naples (September 2023). Furthermore, a 21-page guide for information workers has been created with essential information on HIV/AIDS from a health and social point of view and with suggestions on correct and non-discriminatory communication towards PWH.

Conclusions: Correct and accurate information can be decisive in winning the fight against HIV, a goal that the UN considers possible by 2030 (SDGs), if the appropriate social and health policies are implemented. The media can be fundamental in this challenge, supporting the scientific community and the communities with the dissemination of reliable, easily understandable and without prejudice news.

Allegato: Poster presentato alla conferenza

Lavoro presentato in occasione di ICAR 2024 - Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research

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